Recent Project: Denver Colorado
There’s a moment in zip lining when your feet lift off the ground and gravity hasn’t caught up to the harness yet. It’s a moment where you feel completely weightless. Adrenaline builds up in your gut, a sizzling sensation like pop rocks. This causes some to scream, who can blame them no-gravity is an unnatural feeling. Some whoop, these are the adrenaline junkies, who shoot up on the thrill of adventure. Others, like me, laugh, a reality so absurd there’s only one way my mind can think to react.
In a lot of ways, this concoction of beautiful chaos is like retreats. What you thought this was going to be a whole article on the different feelings of zip lining? No, no, this is a story about something much more interesting. This is the story of our company retreat in Denver…but yes, we did go zip lining.
If you follow our socials, you might have already seen a sneak peek into our epic Denver retreat, but we thought we’d break it down for you, and show you a little BTS, starting with the first night.
If you’ve read any of our team-bonding articles, you know that we are a huge believer in the food-to-friends method, which is why one of our first events was a culinary competition.
*camera fades and you hear the chiming of dishes
For more venue highlights and retreat BTS check our our ‘gram.
Our own personal Gordon Ramsey waited. This was the moment of truth, after all, bruschetta is not a light subject. I know, I know, we just said food=friends, but Italian cuisine is not something to mess around with. So for these .02 seconds of judging, the friendship would have to wait (don’t worry we make up for it later).
The plates sat in front of our Ramsey. A sample, a pause, a light hmm. Another sample, another pause, a light huh.
I told you we have a flair for dramatics.
And then the truth, a crowned winner and a bit of a victory dance.
Bruschetta is simply better with pineapple.
For this offsite, the company wanted a 60 work/40 play retreat, so that meant time in the office space. And there’s only truly one appropriate way to unwind after a long day at work. A cold one and screaming at sports.
And by a cold one, we mean ice rink cold. That’s right, we’re talking about a hockey game.
Neon lights danced across the ice and the crowd cheered as the hockey players joined the choreography. The Colorado Avalanches faced up against the New York Islanders.
We came for a show and we got one. The final score was only a one-point lead, but being that this was an offsite in Denver, it’s only right that the Avalanches won.
And the next day it was back to work with lots of brainstorming sessions in our stunning office space. If you’re familiar with the Ramble hotel you might know that it’s known for its stunning emerald green bar, leather couches, and crystal chandeliers that give off a beautiful 20’s vibe, so needless to say it wasn’t hard to convince the team to stay indoors.
But the reason the twenties were so roaring wasn’t that the prohibition gave people more time to work, but rather the parties after work motivated the employees to do their best. So in true Fitzgerald style, we threw a dinner to rival the golden era— that’s right a Gatsby-themed dinner. I could go on to describe the gorgeous tulle-covered ceiling, the elegant wait staff, or the glamorous costumes, but I’ll let the photos speak for themselves.
And the last afternoon was the moment you’ve all been waiting for—ziplining.
It was a moment people from all over the world came to see. This isn’t us being dramatic -for once- the remote team comes from all over: California, Africa, Montana, you name it.
You can imagine there was a multitude of reactions as the harnesses were strapped on and the helmets buckled. You can learn a lot about a person right before an adrenaline-filled experience. It’s one of the reasons events like zip-lining are some of our favorite team bonding experiences. The painted smiles gave the adrenaline junkies away. You know the type who equates jumping out of a plane to the same level as a morning cup of coffee. The other less-adventurous crowd did a bit of a dance. You know similar to the nervous pace you do when you have to use the bathroom but the line to the single-stall restroom is dangerously long.
The moment of truth was here. The instructor hooked the harness to the line. There was a murmur, what you hoped wasn’t your last goodbye, and then if just for a moment, you learned to fly.
So, I guess you could say that’s how this Denver company retreat ended, zip-lining into the sunset. Epic- in true Offsite fashion- but in all seriousness thank you so much to this amazing team for letting us be a part of your team-bonding experience.
And for all the other teams out there looking to have their own epic team-bonding experience, you know what to do. ⬇️